Packaging Design News

Packaging Design News

Packaging Design News featuring great design, architecture, fashion, graphics and innovation from across the globe.


Dream Of The Blue

Dream of the Blue M6 Plus adopts a luxury design which reflects a modern aesthetics. The blue bottle and gold label with a drip decoration shows a low-key luxury and brings out international taste. It takes "Dream Drop" as the origin of creativity, uses water drop bottle and crystal cover as the styling symbol. The structure is natural and the transition is smooth from top to bottom. With the innovative technology and more high-grade texture of material, the quality has also highly improved. The design integrates modeling, color, craftsmanship and ergonomic function.

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Snow Time

Gu Yue Long Shan is the largest group of traditional yellow wine in China, founded in 1664. The new product they created for Gu Yue Long Shan, conveys the idea of enjoying slow time. The graphic design is based on the concepts of water, snow, glutinous rice and time, which are essential in yellow wine, and depicts the local mountains and water to form a complete picture.

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Chiang Hu

It is committed to the Chinese traditional wine (white wine, rice wine, yellow rice wine, fruit wine, etc.) combined with the modern trend to make new Chinese expression, international expression. On the front of the bottle is an elaborate engraving of birds. On the opposite side of the bottle is the landscape of China's Fenhe River, the birthplace of the winery. Through the wine, the birds fly above the mountains and rivers, expressing lofty aspirations.

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Noxx Bottle Design

The newly founded Eisbock brewery asked the graphic designer and illustrator Res Zinniker for a packaging design. The starting point was the name Noxx and the black bottle. The design was printed directly on the glass and a special color was selected for each type in addition to white. Dark as night (Noxx), a series with eerie creatures that stimulate the imagination was created.

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Italy has made a huge contribution to world culture. During the Renaissance, the greatest masterpieces were created by such masters as Michelangelo, Bernini and many others. The Italians turn everything into art. Even meat delicacies are a masterpiece to be delighted — delighted for their taste. The unique design emphasizes the attentive attitude of the manufacturer to the product and respect for the traditions of production. A bright, emotional image and contrasting details distinguish the product on the shelf among competitors and make it attractive to consumers.

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Yashang Hing Tau Ball

This design pays attention to the category expression of product attributes, and forms different design feelings through the different raw materials of products. In the same way, the diversity of colors enriches this design and increases the sense of richness of food. Transparent handbag is a good display of the products inside, in order to unnecessary waste of materials, the handbag is designed into a secondary use of the layout more concise and fashionable.

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