Packaging Design News

Packaging Design News

Packaging Design News featuring great design, architecture, fashion, graphics and innovation from across the globe.


LIFEWTR Series 5: Arts in Education

LIFEWTR Series 5, Art Beyond Borders, celebrated the power of art to create cultural understanding and unity through artists whose work is inspired by multiple cultures. LIFEWTR, in partnership with Frieze, one of the world’s leading contemporary art publications and event institutions, hosted a series of panels and events at the Frieze NY Art Fair to engage the community in a conversation about cultural exchange through art.

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Snow Lion Beer

Snow Beer is a top-ranking brewery brand in China. Through global mergers and acquisitions, and its own solid and rapid development of course, the client is now a focus of attention in Chinese alcohol market. As, even with a good quality, its previous products are mostly sold with a fair price, Snow Beer now decides to extend its high-end product line. This new product is a premium Weissbier, aka white beer.

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When you want to taste a classic product in an unexpected way, you need unexpected packaging. That’s what the designers had to create for Avgoulakia, through a creative concept that could convey the uniqueness of the brand in a modern and playful way. The chicken or the egg dilemma is commonly stated as: Which came first, the chicken or the egg? Well, in these packages, the chickens definitely had to steal the show! That’s how a human touch was added to the packaging, enriched with vivid, bright pops of color that brought a bit more of a modern twist.

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Olive Tree Luxury

The new packaging design for German luxury natural cosmetics brand relates it's story of the artistically, like a diary, bathing it in warm colors. Seemingly chaotic at first glance, on closer inspection the packaging communicates a strong unity, a message. Thanks to the new design concept all products radiate naturalness, style, ancient healing knowledge and modern practicality.

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Healthy Food Healthy Life

In everyday life rice is produced through modern conventional mass production. Many people may question if this production process is actually good enough. Therefore the research was made to confirm that the traditional rice growing process without any machines will yield good quality rice. This packaging convey the story of ancient Thai wisdom rice farming by carving it on the rice seed.

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50 Years

2019 is Turk Tuborg’s 50 years in Turkey. 'I Mean It Agency' created the 50 Years Anniversary campaign & logo design. The starting point was the word 'fifty' which is written as 'Elli' in Turkish. Typographic packaging concept was designed based on keywords related to Tuborg's brand and production values. The designs included the word 'elli' (which means 'fifty' in Turkish) such as Experimentality, Intellectuality, Timeliness, Up-to-dateness.

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